Daughter of Godcast 128

Episode 128
Hello, Pig!
Daughter of Godcast Season Four, Choice, and this is Episode 128, Hello Pig.
Another outline? If you're only into reading transcripts, there won't be any for a while. Just enough text to prompt the podcaster.
Year of the Pig
DOG year is done. So that must mean Daughter of God is done, yes?
- Done by degrees.
- The plan to get DOG done is. Done.
- To have a robust screener ready in 23 days.
- Even that's not done done
- We'll have roughly a week more to get a DCP (digital cinema package) ready. That's just for Cannes.
- Other festivals will be popping up right into spring, and with each festival entry a doner DOG.
- Also testing in regional theaters followed by questionnaires and discussion. Based on that feedback, further tweaking and polishing. Moreing.
- The plan to get DOG done is. Done.
- What does done look like?
- Episode 127 — the supposed backwardness of my process
- A falling into place — who knew there'd be this massive integration at the last minute?
- Now (at long last) the deep archive is available
- This is not the official announcement — not quite ready for prime time.
- The quest to establish stable web deployment continues; in other words, technology breaks.
- Lots of recent integration to add
- Available for immediate perusal, warts and all. http://why.movie
- A question I riffed on repeatedly during the first season of the podcast, btw.
- What is the deep archive?
- A tool for keeping track of all the project's
- Ideas
- Components
- Plans
- Started as a local install of WordPress, a website living on my laptop only I could see.
- WordPress is for websites, but it's basically a database, a tool for cataloging and accessing data.
- Daughter of God's data
- Details of the story
- Production
- Reference material
- Credits and rights information
- Daughter of God's data
- WordPress is for websites, but it's basically a database, a tool for cataloging and accessing data.
- Open Source
- Cory Doctorow
- Sharing my process of moviemaking
- Public access to deep archive
- Backstory
- Frontstory
- Side tracks
- Culs-de-sac
- A tool for keeping track of all the project's
- I don't know about anybody else — what my moviemaking looks like
- I like feedback; Season 2 Crowd Creation was fun and inspiring. The movie became more.
- I am looking forward to test screening in actual theaters packed with warm bodies. Interaction and immediate feedback.
- I like effective documentation of ideas, such that the really compelling ideas can continue to be influential over the course of an entire project.
- This is what completion looks like
- Taking the deep archive public is another box checked off
- Revising and updating the deep archive intensifies integration, fitting together of fragments accumulated over a decade.
- My vision for how this movie would wrap
- A web presence showcasing the project and interesting spin-offs
- Podcast
- Swag
- Feedback
- Multiple languages — starting with French
- A comprehensive archive covering inception to completion
- Seed audience of a few hundred (or a few thousand)
- The movie itself
- A small tribe of helpers, collaborators
- Feeling great
- A web presence showcasing the project and interesting spin-offs
- Taking the deep archive public is another box checked off
- Long enough?
- Feature requirement for Cannes is 60 minutes
- Estimate was DOG would come in around 72 minutes
- The most recent assembly is just over 30 minutes
- Where's another 30 minutes gonna come from?
- Delving into the Deep Archive
- Recovering lost content
- Rediscovering forgotten story
- Signals from a Nearby Now
- The moviemaking that is making me
- 30 minutes more movie? That's twice as much me we get to see!
That's the Daughter of Godcast, Episode 128, Hello, Pig. Another lucky year for this Water Rabbit. The end of the Chinese Year of the Dog, the beginning of the Daughter of God. Crowd created, done by degrees, moreing for months yet, and you're right here as we leap into the air, with us through the twirl, flip, and rotate, arcing over the ice, graceful, impossible, the most we ever. Inevitably, a descent and landing, touching down, weight balanced on steel blades and a frictionless slick of liquid water. Either a fortunate glide triumphantly upright or slamming down to a knee or an awkward sprawl, spread buttocks, human after all. You've felt the acceleration, the knees folding, core compressing and then exploding up and outward, beyond what has ever been felt before. Together, we fly.