Daughter of Godcast 136

Daughter of Godcast Season Four Choice and this is Episode 136 Sparks. In episode 135 Dishes I reported briefly on our production around the bonfire of the People's Poetry Slam last week, which was Friday March 29, 2019. As DOG is an open source cinema exploration where we share the process and the lessons learned, I asked the cast and crew for feedback about the production. Yesterday, we got emails from most everyone, and you can read these in their entirety at dog.movie. The consensus was positive. Let's jump and read excerpts, focusing on where improvement might be possible.
Request for Feedback
From: Danny Kelly
Subject: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: March 31, 2019 at 11:50:37 AM EDT
To: Dan Kelly
Hello everyone!
Thanks for your energy on Friday. That was a really fun shoot and hilarious party after. I have barely started to sync the footage, mostly napping and gnoshing yesterday. Today, I’m catching up on the podcast which was due last Wednesday.
Now that we’ve all worked together let’s take some time to think about what went well and what could be improved. I would really appreciate if would review your experience of the production and share your thoughts, everything is helpful. You can talk about logistics, style of interaction, availability of resources, etc. We want to get better at this, so don’t be shy about constructive critique.
On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:45 AM Danny Kelly wrote:
Nudge, nudge.
Before we get too far from last Friday, I’d really appreciate your impressions of the production process - pro and con. Maybe giving feedback via email is a con 😉
We want to get better at this process and clear, candid feedback is really helpful. Please take a few minutes and respond. This will be your final request.
Cast and Crew Response
From: Victoria Sylvester
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 8:49:06 AM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
Hi Dan! I had such quick involvement I’m not sure I will be helpful with feedback!
What I saw was well organized . And everyone seems super friendly and willing to work together to get the job done !
Thanks for including me!
From: Grace Reinhold
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 6:11:58 PM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
Hey, Gang! I had so much fun being a part of the Daughter of God poetry shoot and getting to meet everyone involved. I think a valuable contribution to the success of the shoot was the congenial and supportive environment of the whole crew. I think the costumes worked well; a combination of some items (such as sweaters, gloves, pink glasses lol) left over from pre-apocalypse days and current more primal robes and coverings. Group rehearsals are always helpful but I feel the shoot went rather smoothly without and I think the prompting fit nicely. I do wish there were more print outs available to more effectively participate in the prompting.
From: Luke Kelly
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 9:04:31 AM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
All in all pretty good.
Wireless hops and a more normal slating routine to help the editor.
Someone solid as a 1st AD. We didn’t really need it this time around because of the simplicity of the setups, and maybe that’s why we didn’t have one, but for more complicated days it would make all the difference.
Call sheet
Shot list
Sides (mini call sheet with all the days scenes pulled from the script)
That’s all I can think of suggesting for now.
From: Melonie Steffes
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 12:06:58 PM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
Over all I thought it went pretty smoothly. Having a little more pre-production time would have helped, but I think that's a given. I'm thinking for costuming it may be a good idea for the costumer to communicate directly with the cast before they arrive to be sure they are dressed appropriately.
Maybe story boarding for insight on camera angles? The camera man doesn't know the whole story so won't think of everything, ex: box in fire is alive and displaying messages.
Also, it's OK for the director to tell the actors what you want from them, they should put themselves into those characters but also be directed. A little insight can go a long way toward an actor delivering a character, ex: Cory needed insight into his feelings toward Uncle Joe and the box as he put it on the fire-once he had that his performance had more emotion.
And...the directer is in charge-- if the director thinks the cut works, that's that, though I suppose you will have the last say during editing anyway. Egos can get time consuming on more pressing shoots.
Like I started with though, I thought it went super great and we all did a really good job.
From: Jacob Williams
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 4:38:01 PM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
Hey brother, honestly I thought the whole thing was set up great and everything really seemed to flow nicely. I’m not sure what to really look for or what would have made it better. You really covered you bases!
From: Seamus Callaghan
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 11:12:31 AM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
The only real con I can think of is that some people weren't fully aware of what was supposed to be going in the scene. For example, some people didn't know that prompting from the audience would be part of the actual scene. Greater communication prior to filming would be helpful. Otherwise, pretty much everything was a pro.
From: Matthew von Dayton
Subject: Re: 3/29 People's Poetry Slam
Date: April 3, 2019 at 4:14:02 PM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
Danny the Manny,
What a blast of a shoot and immediate after party, so glad to be involved.
Happy to offer what meager feedback I can, all to be taken with the appropriate dosage of salt. And all framed within the context of this being only the second (I believe) project we've worked together on. The more you work with someone the better sense you get of how they work.
From my perspective, it all seemed to go really well. More than enough time on-set prior to first shot and nothing felt rushed on my end during production. I always love going in with as succinct of a plan as possible that then allows for deviation. This shoot gave room for experimentation and play, which I always love, and yielded some beautiful footage. Energy on-set felt good, not stressful. I tend to want to know as much as I can about what is in a director's head so I'll take whatever I can get, even if I end up forgetting it consciously, it's in there somewhere.
Searching for things that I would improve. It'd be nice to have someone in an AD type roll, since you were also on-screen. Just someone that would have kept order in terms of a reliable slate, next shot, what we still have to get, etc. I should have brought my full shoulder-rig but that's on me. If I were re-shooting I would bring a longer lens to exaggerate the heat waves and stay out of the smoke. Now that I think about it, seeing a script would have been great, just to be informed and get a sense of how it plays out on the page. (though we did chat about beforehand)
All in all it was a great shoot, everyone was on-board to play and make it happen. [snip]
Ultimately, the footage will tell us how the shoot went and hopefully it contains at least a sliver of what you were hoping to get.
Hope this helps,
From: Nicole Enger
Subject: Poetry slam feedback
Date: April 7, 2019 at 4:35:07 PM EDT
To: Kelly Dan
Hey Dan I thought I would give you my feedback on the poetry slam, since it was asked in email this is how I’m giving it to you. Of course you know I always sit down and talk with you about it.
Need more communication what talking with people there was a lot of confusion about we are at the actual filming was going to be. I know it’s hard to do at a last-minute shoot but a meeting prior to filming would be good for alleviating a lot of miscommunication and confusion. Also this is where you could hand out paperwork at the meeting and have everyone’s paperwork ahead of time to prior filming.
I think Bri might’ve been overwhelmed with all the jobs that she had and it might help her a little bit to have a production folder or less jobs. That way she isn’t confused where all the information is that she needs or paperwork.
When I was doing people‘s make up and asking them what their character would look like a lot of people were at a loss. Would’ve liked better feedback from them to do better make up. Not sure how to combat and actor not knowing their character physically. Any feed back for me on makeup would be great as well. This works both ways.
Other than that the set up at the barn for the waiting area was wonderful. And it was a smooth run through the whole night due to good vibes and flow. After showing/party was awesome and I think it really kept the good vibes going. Awesome job Dan.
PS I have a clapper at home I should’ve brought it. I hope some of this helps you out a little bit. I am an over organized person so if it’s too much I apologize. All my best Nicole
On Apr 7, 2019, at 7:45 PM, Danny Kelly wrote:
Thanks! Helpful!
From: Nicole Enger
Subject: Re: Poetry slam feedback
Date: April 20, 2019 at 12:37:54 AM EDT
To: Danny Kelly
So glad it was helpful. Would love to work with you again. I am excited to see the finished movie and the future projects to come. Excited for your completion on your long journey with this project. It has really given me prospective on my situation in the fun industry. Thank you in advance for the insight. Talk to you soon and before you know it at your Premiere. All my very best.
On Apr 7, 2019, at 7:45 PM, Danny Kelly wrote:
Thanks! Helpful!
Truer words have not been written. Picture and sound are synced and I'd like to share an excerpt of that scene, (see above.) Play the video link in Episode 136 Sparks at dog.movie and give us some feedback. We'll review your observations and insights in Episode 137.
That's the Daughter of Godcast on a warming April Day. I ran along the icy trails of the forest yesterday and pondered Uncle Joe's wanderings, where those locations could be. The ice is still on Crystal Lake and murmuring now in the full morning sun. Magic. Tomorrow on the new moon I'm starting another water fast, perhaps a few days, perhaps a record breaker. Ketonic enhancement anyway. Here's wishing you all whatever enhancements you're ready for.
After Episode 136
From: Nicole Enger
Subject: Poetry slam feedback
Date: April 7, 2019 at 4:35:07 PM EDT
To: Kelly Dan
Hey Dan I thought I would give you my feedback on the poetry slam, since it was asked in email this is how I’m giving it to you. Of course you know I always sit down and talk with you about it.
Need more communication what talking with people there was a lot of confusion about we are at the actual filming was going to be. I know it’s hard to do at a last-minute shoot but a meeting prior to filming would be good for alleviating a lot of miscommunication and confusion.Also this is where you could hand out paperwork at the meeting and have everyone’s paperwork ahead of time to prior filming.
I think Bri might’ve been overwhelmed with all the jobs that she had and it might help her a little bit to have a production folder or less jobs. That way she isn’t confused where all the information is that she needs or paperwork.
When I was doing people‘s make up and asking them what their character would look like a lot of people were at a loss. Would’ve liked better feedback from them to do better make up. Not sure how to combat and actor not knowing their character physically. Any feed back for me on makeup would be great as well. This works both ways.
Other than that the set up at the barn for the waiting area was wonderful.And it was a smooth run through the whole night due to good vibes and flow. After showing/party was awesome and I think it really kept the good vibes going.
Awesome job Dan.
PS I have a clapper at home I should’ve brought it. I hope some of this helps you out a little bit. I am an over organized person so if it’s too much I apologize.
All my best
Purring in the headphones made me very happy for a few seconds.
Happiness Is Our Business