Daughter of Godcast 131

Daughter of Godcast Season 4 Choice and this is Episode 131, Nine. Palindrome episode number, whoop! Nine as in 9 days to go until the DOG screener iteration 1 is burned, slid into a Fedex envelope and sent off, hurray! Need two business days for transit to make the entry deadline, so that's right down to the wire.
The next couple of podcast episodes are going to be short and sweet, as you might expect. Because 9 days to go. That's why.
What's the plan? Wednesday Bri and I are building the poop composting set for the Big Boat, in support of the Paul's Pype exploit which the character Gerry deploys after discovering that the intelligence of the mycelium is the key to breaking the strong encryption on the mediatronic relief boxes. What the hell am I talking about? It's obtusely explained on why.movie if you're not afraid of spoilers and can click the search icon. But I'd advise against it. Wait for the movie.
This poop composting set story is not about the movie actually but about Bri helping me to build functional poop composting bins because it's just as easy to build functional ones as it is to build fake ones, and we need to compost poop anyway, here in the Dan Kelly universe. I'm proud of Bri. Poop composting is NOT something she could have imagined taking on a few years ago. I haven't told her that's what we're doing yet actually, but I'm confident she'll woman up to the job. She's just blooming like crazy lately.
Then we've got to rush back to the casa to catch a big delivery from BHphotovideo. A few more chunks of production gear to pull of 11th hour miracles.
Thursday will most likely be a compositing day, The flying wall, jetliners in the swamp and a ubiquity of abandoned armor.
Friday, I expect delivery of miniature acoustic torture device that Greg is scratch building, along with the updated CyberHobby M1A2. Melonie will be dropping off her weird science props and helping record sound with Lena, who is in town for a gig at St Ambrose and generously accepted an invitation be a character in the Tribal Archaic Revival Poetry Slam. Say what?!
That's just the next few days. So there's your proof, things are hotting up. Enough of me, I gotta go. Here's some select moments from recent key phone calls.
A few hundred wonders to manifest yet. Thanks for being you, and do drop us a comment on dog.movie or via email at the@dog.movie, show us your shine. Even if you don't, just by listening you're already collaborating on what is possibly the very first open source feature, a crowd created post apocalyptic romantic comedy with two and half web sites. By your attention alone, you've declared your affinity with and membership in a motley crew of merry freaks and misfits. Sharing the love drug. Love.