Daughter of Godcast

Episode 124
Daughter of Godcast Season 4, Choice, and I am Dan Kelly, Shri Fugi Spilt (as if you didn't know), and this is Episode 124, Française. That's the language they speak a few hours drive north, I hear. In Canada.
Hear me, friends, a voice, and if you're watching too, a face. Noises and light coming from your device. The upshot? I am the stigmata of Dan Kelly, ideas and perspective riding on a carrier wave of feelings that somehow you are instantiating. Because this podcast is just noise and light. How are you making me, I wonder?

Oh gawd, more half-baked guru snippets! C'mon, you know you love them. That's what we're all here for. On this podcast, I mean, not Earth. To get to the bottom of this thing called life. To answer all the big questions. Whoa, there's no bottom. Life is bottom less.
Naw, that's not why we're here on this podcast. We're here to have fun! And perhaps share a happy ending, the completion of the feature film I started 13 years ago. The moviemaking that is making me, and now, since you're helping make the movie just by tuning in to my weekly festival of noise and light, the movie that's maybe making you too.
My Hungarian grandparents loved watching The Price Is Right. Why? Because of the happy people. Ecstatic contestants winning money and prizes, with the enthusiastic encouragement of host Bob Barker — he wanted them to win. I'd watch my grandparents watching. They were so happy for the people. Pretty compelling light and noise.
Are you excited to be made, remade? Be lavished. Win more prizes. End empire. Feed the hungry. Encourage awareness. Expand wilderness. Share orgasms with stellar partners. Whatever.
Daughter of God — the movie, podcast, web presence, and swag — is just a jumping off point, a template for bliss that anyone can borrow; how to channel your inner Bob Barker. Take this, sister. May it serve you well.
The DOG web presence is mostly presentable as of yesterday. Along with tightening the design, I've repaired most of the broken pages.
In Episode 123 I reminded myself how huge dog.movie is. Not only content but links to other projects, most significantly ondesire.movie, which hosts the background for my sailing documentary Around Lake Michigan. This summer I neglected to renew the original domain for ondesire and some opportunistic domain broker glommed on to it, so all the image links from ondesire to dog.movie have been broken for the last five months (ouch!). I relinked about 30 images.
The good news is that since starting renovations, visitors seem to be spending more time on dog.movie. Our copy editor Emily has sent a list of changes which we'll be discussing this week, so the site will continue to improve without my lifting a finger, yay! Finally, ondesire.movie is scheduled for remediation by the web guru Jordan Bates.
Along with relinking, I poured hours into other repetitive web tasks, which meant I was able to soak up several other podcasts, indulging perspectives that I personally don't share. Special forces types talking about their experiences and worldview. How America is the greatest country in the world and W's and Barack's Iraq war was legit. To make a long story short, I yearn for conscious warriors who serve Earth, not empire. Listening to these dudes is research. Even at this late date, DOG's drift can shift and sharpen on the basis of new information
In other movie news, Greg the miniatures guy has generously offered to build full-time this month. Kudos too to Greg's other client, Tom, who agreed to defer his project so Greg could jam on ours. That's another step toward wrapping on schedule. Woot!

What else? In anticipation of taking DOG to Cannes, I've started brushing up on my French. This feels so hilarious, totally nuts. I might check out accommodations too. Jil thinks we're definitely going. I gotta drop off the Pimsleur French CDs to her, because the universe always gives her whatever she wants.
That's Episode 124, Française, of the Daughter of Godcast, Season 4, Choice. Up before sunrise today to end another three-day water fast. The first two days are the most intense for me, like catching a mild flu on purpose. Riding out the physiological transition, flipping on all sorts of dormant primal circuitry to clock up the old noodle and effect comprehensive repairs. I could have gone longer, maybe five or even seven days, but miso soup was calling my name. In English. I answered in française: Je voudrais manger quelque chose, soupe miso s'il vous plaît. Voilà!
Oh and check out what my pal Shoal gave me. Hoodie up!