Daughter of Godcast

Episode 080
Wow, 080, Eighty. Eighty episodes of movie making splendor. Did I ever suspect I'd be here with you now. I never, ever did. Does this feel like a delightful sort of surprise to be standing at the cusp of our 80th episode? Heck yeah.
This is the Daughter of Godcast, Episode 080 Creaky. Our ongoing Crowd Creation, where you make the movie. Ok, we make the movie, because I'm the dude slaving over the hot laptop, Fordham tool and spray booth, or sweating in front of the camera and bright lights as I record this very podcast, or imagine myself recording because right now I'm just writing the podcast.
Truly tho, with all my hustle and bustle, this is rapidly becoming your movie. All the esoteric production gear that I brandish with varying degrees of competence would be gathering dust, without you. You're perceptions bring every scene into sharp focus, you tell me which icons to click, which rust pigments to smear, which Roli keys to stroke. Everything is becoming clear because of you.
After 80 episodes, our mission is crystal. To make the best dang Daughter of God possible, and are we ever.
Enough bluster, to the great work!
Nuts and Bolts
Alright, I have to admit. Looks like our Facebook boost didn't hurt. We've had about 50% more listens to the podcast over the last week and post reach on Facebook has doubled. Someone even loved Rabbit and Dog on Ello. What did hurt was my over 24 hours of lateness last week in getting the new scene and podcast posted. I really enjoy putting the podcast on time. That's looking more like Wednesday after 10 am, EST.
Rabbit and Dog
An awkward moment between two quirky people, having their first private conversation. We've seen these two before in Do It Again, so we know they'll eventually come together. There doesn't seem much rapport in this initial exchange, however.
Questions - In DOG time, how quickly can they go from this moment to jumping into bed - minutes, hours, days, weeks? What conflicts have to be overcome?
All the feedback for Rabbit and Dog is compiled on the comments for episode 079.
Anonymous via email "I would think that they might go their separate ways - the dead animal and lack of mutual intensity suggest that to me." Having seen Do It Again, however, Anon knows where this is going, and thought the two quirky people would hop into bed within minutes. After an email volley, Anon's rationale was revealed - because at the end of "Do It Again", she (dog) isn't sure what his (rabbit) name is. Brilliant deduction by Anon. I'm not saying Anon is right, (wink, wink) but kudos for keen observation, and extra blessings.
Pam on Facebook pulled her signature pool shark move and ran the table, plunking cognitive balls into all the right pockets. Her impressions of the scene couldn't have been more encouraging.
Kirk via dog.movie opined that getting the two quirky people into bed might take awhile.
"The dialogue was intriguing, and made me want to know more of what that whole exchange was all about. This addition to the content stream makes me ever more curious about the plot and how it all is tied together."
He wanted to know if Rabbit and Dog has anything to do with the origin of the Daughter of God, "Or perhaps i have misinterpreted the whole thing?"
Then Kirk offered this...
"I would of liked to participate in the project sooner, but I wanted to try and get up to speed with some of what’s going on in these scenes but I’m having trouble finding general information. I’ve been too busy to keep up with the podcasts and was hoping to read into on here. Can i get a link if there is one? Also, is there a trailer, or story summary, or character descriptions some where on the interwebs or available upon request? I’d like to give more feedback but i find it difficult to elaborate on things without more of context of what’s happening overall…"
In all the flurry of releasing scenes and podcasts the last 10 weeks, I neglected to create an easily accessible guide that explains the Crowd Creation. Let's handle that right now.
Crowd Creation
Welcome to Crowd Creation, where you make the movie.
Daughter of God is a post apocalyptic romantic comedy currently test screening across the world wide web. Every week, a short scene is released and you are invited to give feedback specifically, what emotions come up while you watch? You can choose to answer specific questions posed by the director or just free wheel, posting your comments and opinions on your favorite social media platform or directly at www.dog.movie.
What you don't need
You don't need any special knowledge or expertise to participate, just a love for movies. You don't have to know anyone in the cast or crew of Daughter of God, or be dating the nephew of Francis Ford Copolla. We love fresh insights from total strangers, curious and perceptive. You definitely don't need to be a filmmaker, actor, writer or even any sort of artist to give the right answer. Every answer is right, because you are sharing your unique human experience. Or your unique sentient experience, if you're not human.
Each scene is offered as a stand alone moment. The context within the entire movie doesn't matter, just what's happening on screen. Not knowing how the pieces fit together may seem odd at first, but just relax and have fun.
The feelings that a scene brings up for you, what you are reminded of and/or what connections you make reveals whether that scene is working as intended or whether tweaking is needed. Sharing your experience can change everything, that's how you make the movie!
Not only does feedback make DOG's scenes more compelling, your feedback brings blessings. Learn more at dog.movie/bless.
Episodes of the Daughter of Godcast podcast document the feedback process creating a reference archive for enhancing the scenes. If your week gets busy, skip the podcast entirely and just opine on the current scene. 5-10 minutes a week is all you need to join this unprecedented cinematic adventure! Friend us on your favorite social media platform OR sign up for the DOG email list.
A woman peers out from a door ajar. A prolonged creak as she slowly opens the door, revealing an enigmatic figure, half smiling. She seems to recognize him, calling him by name.
The feedback question - What emotions does the woman experience as she opens the door?
Late tho this last week's episode was, we still had phenomenal feedback, from a couple of blessed veterans and the esteemed not so newbie, Kirk. Huge appreciation for everyone who's making this movie. If you are intrigued by Crowd Creation and have been thinking about offering feedback, come on out of the closet and let your freak flag fly. She is coming! There's no such thing as coincidence, you're here by special arrangement of the cosmos, wielding the power of pretending.
That's a wrap. Episode 080 of the Daughter of Godcast is done, so many sweet numbers yet to come. You're in the loop, whether your encrypted or in the clear, a great swirl of consciousness are we, here to make a movie, for fun, for awakening, for art. Why not have, be and do everything you've ever dreamed of, why not become the most epic YOU ever? Somehow, that's happening, I could claim this movie is the ticket, a golden ticket to your very own bliss and maybe I wouldn't be lying. We think we need someone else's permission to be happy, to feel good. Well, I'm going to give you that permission right now, for no other reason than you're watching my lips move, you're hearing my voice, or reading this transcription. By the power invested in me as doula for the Daughter of God, you get to feel happy and experience your unique bliss from now on. Let no one convince you otherwise. You're the one making this movie.
She looks like she experiences hesitation, then mildly alarmed puzzlement, then bemused acceptance. It looks like she was expecting him to show up, but didn’t know when.
I can’t help but hear the door as a big long fart noise. It’s a comedic moment.
That’s two votes for farting, wow! Intended or lucky accident? Only my hairdresser knows for sure.
“looks like she was expecting him to show up, but didn’t know when.” That’s a fascinating impression, Seamus. How long do you think she might have been waiting? Hours, weeks, years?
She looks calm, mellow, quietly awed, friendly, tender, curious, and spellbound.
Concise and clear. Thanks James!